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Perhaps You have some questions about TouchAbilities

Is TouchAbilities a new Modality?

No, it is not a modality. TouchAbilities is a model rather than a method, it’s a meta model which transcends any particular discipline or modality yet makes it easier to learn any touch modality. TouchAbilities is both a skill set and master template for teaching touch. This skill set, an integral “alphabet of touch”, includes the core techniques that are common to, and are the underpinning of all touch therapies. They incorporate physical manipulation of soft tissue as well as dynamic interaction with the body’s mental and energetic fields.

How will my students benefit from this program?

From an inclusive, broad base, TouchAbilities supports the development of skills essential to being a powerful and effective practitioner, no matter what your specialty.
From basic training to advanced education, the full spectrum nature of this approach to learning helps shape the journey and provides a base to easily learn, embrace and integrate new modalities. It supports the realization of one’s professional identity and the design of one’s unique signature touch.

What is SenseAbilities™?

SenseAbilities™ is an extensive touch vocabulary designed to plunge people into the world of sensation and promote proprioceptive and intuitive awareness. It is a variety of sensorially descriptive words that conjure up images, capture experience and give voice to the felt sense. Under the headings of Tactile, Visual, Auditory, Olfactory and Psychological, there are 18 possible sense categories which range from depth to density, and from color to posture and function. This rich, textural vocabulary supports the development of conscious, sensitive, responsive connection and a “listening hand”.

Why would I change my existing program to incorporate TouchAbilities?

To make it easier to keep up with the latest changes as our profession is expanding, TouchAbilities presents a universal language of touch, a core set of principles and guidelines no matter the specialty or modality practiced. We have devoted the time to examine the field, extrapolate the generalities, identify the commonalities and connect the dots. The TouchAbilities model provides a neutral, “non-sectarian” vocabulary and presents comprehensive foundational skills that are applicable across fields, philosophies or cultural conditioning; beyond BodyWork and related therapies to include all domains of health care involving touch.