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teaching tools




Teachers Manual

The teacher’s manual is an 82 page companion piece for instructors. It introduces the TouchAbilities curriculum model and includes teaching tips, ideas for evaluating and testing students, and class guides which follow the TouchAbilities text chapter-by-chapter. The class guides include words to stimulate thought and discussion, points to emphasize and aspects to develop in class, experientials for the classroom, illustrations relevant to the topic at hand, bibliography and references, and sample test questions.

Study Stimulators

Study Stimulators are study guidelines designed to support and prepare students for the classroom. As companion pieces which correspond to the eight TouchAbilities component chapters, they feature vocabulary pertinent to the lesson and a statement of purpose for the class. They also outline themes and ideas to be discussed in class and provide page references the TouchAbilities text related to the topic. The stimulators focus attention on the subject matter ie: effects, definitions, synonyms, intentions, applications, endangerment sites, indications and contraindications, and modalities featuring the specific skills being studied.

Test Bank

We have sourced and created a comprehensive test bank which dovetails with the TouchAbilities text and more. We’ve written the questions and structured the exams to be part of the process to embed the lesson. There are thousands of questions in various forms -short answer, matching, fill in the blank, multiple choice, true & false, essay and picture labeling — all with answer keys.

Course Outlines

Course outlines, for TA 101 — the professional module and TA 100 — the skill development module, are thorough, detailed frameworks on which to build and create classes. They cover the components and beyond — and range from business to ethics, from history to indications and contraindications, presence to oils and lubes, from effects, draping and body mechanics to tables, cushions and props. These outlines contain page references for readings in the TouchAbilities text and state specific learning objectives/outcomes to be achieved for each module as a whole and for its individual units.

Teacher Training

Contact us directly to find out more about our personal, custom-designed teacher training program