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Dates: TBA
4 CE Hours each
Instructor: Sandy Friedland, LMT
Time: TBA
1-2 classes = $80 each / 
3-5 classes = $75 each / 6+ classes = $70 each

Earn your CE credits painlessly. These interesting and powerful classes are focused on polishing your skills in small, concentrated doses.  Not only will you be able to immediately incorporate the “lessons” into your practice, this mix and match approach allows you to select, combine, and choose times that accommodate  your personal schedule.

•  LISTENING UP – communicating with the body via the senses
HOLDING UP – reprogramming the body with position & patience
SHAKING UP – calibrating the body with motion & waves
BRUSHING UP – polishing the body with brushes & cloths
TUNING UP – balancing the body with tuning forks
RIDING UP – working the body from a rolling stool
OILING UP – anointing the body with healing oils
TOOLING UP – vibing the body with magnets & crystals
CARVING UP – sculpting the body with stones & tools
SHAKING UP – calibrating the body with motions & waves
•  SITTING UP – working the body in a massage chair
•  BEAMING UP – vitalizing the body with energy


Energy Healing

Date: TBA
6 CE Hours
Time: TBA

Instructor:  Sandy Friedland, LMT
$120 (early registration) or $150 thereafter 

This high frequency, laying-on-of-hands healing modality can be used to heal the earth, humans, animals and plants. “La” refers to the light, love and wisdom, “Ho” symbolizes movement and “Chi” represents life force.  Learn the intention, history and benefits of LaHoChi, how to perform an absentee healing session on another, and conduct healing sessions on yourself and others.

Each physical body is in existence because of a number of layers or “fields” each vibrating and co-existing around us at different frequencies. If there is a manifestation of an illness or imbalance on the physical / cellular layer of the body it logically follows that there is also an energetic disturbance on one or all of the subtle energetic fields as well.

LaHoChi energy quickly travels to the part of the body out of balance and clears, cleanses and energizes the area back into health. The higher the frequency of healing light you can access, the more complete your work will be on all levels.


The Art Of Movement

Date: TBA
12 CE hours
Time: TBA
INSTRUCTORS: Iris Burman, LMT & Sandy Friedland, LMT
$245  (early registration)  or $295 thereafter
$100 non-refundable deposit

How you use yourself in a massage affects the quality of your touch, the condition of your body and the longevity of your career.  The efficient use of your energy and physical structure is an “art”…  a seamless flow of combinations of posture, balance, direction, locomotion, stillness, strength, intention and angle.  “Good” body mechanics is reflected by a body in motion, poised and powerful in alignment, awareness and actuation.  This workshop will enhance your ability to create graceful, efficient, effective movement and further develop your awareness of the distinctions between power and force.


Multi-Dimensional Movement Arts®

Date: TBA
18 CE Hours
Time: TBA
Instructor:  Sandy Friedland, LMT
$345  (early registration) or  $395 thereafter
$100 non-refundable deposit

This course takes place at a heated pool.
Location to be revealed at registration

 Ever wondered what it was like back in the womb? Floating, weightless, hardly any sound, not a thing in the world to worry about.  Well, in this experiential workshop you will give and receive massage in something close to that original experience – a heated pool.  Of course there are land exercises and practices so you can dry out between wet activities.

The goal of this  WATERSHOP™ is to introduce and teach the principles of MDMA – Multi-Dimensional Movement Arts®.  In a typical MDMA session specific motions, patterns and wave forms are applied to promote relaxation, re-education, re-habilitation, re-organization, rejuvenation and dynamic balance.  Muscle work, stretches and breathing blend gentle waves and floating movements into a timeless dance. Escape for a while and surrender yourself into bliss.  What a way to earn CE credits!.